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Design concept

Stage 1: Duct tape dummy

Stage one in making my FMP is to create a duct tape dummy of myself. This process means taping the body to create an accurate replica of myself to work from and build a fitted bodysuit. This ensures that my final project will not look too baggy, giving it an overall more professional look. Below shows this process.

Stage 2: Creating feet paws and leg padding

Stage 2 of my project is to create the foam base of the feetpaws. these must be made next before continuing as it will allow me to ensure that the fur will fit correctly and will not be too tight around the ankles. i plan to make my feetpaws attached to the bodysuit as this will help them both to stay on and look more seamless when wearing the suit. Below shows the process and stages of making the bases.

Stage 3: Creating the pattern

Stage 3 of my project is to create the pattern for the body suit. this is made so i am able to have the exact shape of the fur pieces needed to create the body suit. thus is done using duct tape and cling film around my original duct tape dummy.

Stage 4: creating legs

Stage 4 of my project is to cut out and sew together my arm and leg sections of the bodysuit, this will give me the main bulk of my suit completed, leaving only the upper torso to do before completion.

Stage 5: completed suit

This stage of my project shows the final and completed suit, however i plan to remake a few elements of the suit after this year has ended to show my own progress throughout the course.

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